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Periodic offers from OSHAC for special discounts only available for OSHAC members
Access to a wide variety of safety related data that will assist you in research, development of training programs, budget preparation, and other duties. This area presently contains complete narrative explanations of OSHA's 44 most important topics including charts and graphics. New materials and data are added to this area often
Free listing in the OSHAC Consultant's Registry - list your name, address, and areas of specialization and when we are asked, we will recommend the closest member with the requested specialization
Resume reference: Any member may list OSHAC or OSHAC as a professional reference on resumes and applications. Those desiring this service should submit a resume to OSHAC. OSHAC staff will then verify the resume and provide third party validation of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience of the member when called upon by a potential employer
The opportunity to be a part of the most progressive and effective Safety Association in the US
Access to quality and affordable comprehensive training, planning, and assessment materials/aids that have been reviewed by OSHAC
Occupational Safety & Health American Council
Occupational Safety & Health American Council eliminates preventable deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, research, education and advocacy.